With my years of experience in reloading and working in the reloading department of one off the leaders in firearms, reloading equipment and other products, I learned a lot more and on request of many customers, decided to give reloading lessons. After a bit of a health setback, I also started to make videos on reloading and placed them on YouTube. Exceptionally good and positive responses followed and at the end of 2020, a large variety of topics have been covered. There are still a lot more videos to follow.
In addition to the videos on YouTube, the products I got so deeply involved in, will be available here. Many of these products are essential for good re-loading methodology and paves the way for higher levels of skilled and professional re-loading techniques. The manufacturers of these high quality reloading equipment and accessories include, Sudami X-Ring, Mamba Reloading, Bullet corp, SA Tumbler, HSC Custom handmade knifes, Additional reloading support and load development will also form part of the integrated basket of services and items for the user to have at the tip of his fingers.